Loving Kindness Circle

What’s a Loving Kindness Circle? 
A loving kindness circle is an opportunity to join a small group of other seekers once a month on Zoom to deepen and encourage each other’s loving kindness meditation practice. The group will form a small on-line community with Brian Plachta as the facilitator so group members can experience direct contact with the inner essence of love, inner peace, and wholeness.

When will the Circle Members meet?
The Group will meet online for 1-1/2 hours on the fourth Tuesday of each month for 3 months from 7 pm to 8:30 pm (US Eastern Time). Here are the dates: 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024. 

At the end of the 3 months the Group will discern whether the members want to continue meeting for an additional 3 months.

What will each gathering include?
At each meeting the Group will:

Check-in on how your Loving Kindness Practice is going; what you’re experiencing, learning; how you’re growing spiritually through the practice and any hindrances you’re encountering. 

Teaching. Brian will offer short teachings on the core parts of the Loving Kindness meditation as we dive deeper into this rich, ancient way of connecting with our Inner Self and the Divine. 

Practice. We’ll then experience a guided Loving Kindness Meditation.

Reflect.  After the guided meditation, those that want to, can offer what they experienced during the meditation sharing any insights, images, words of wisdom, emotions or other things that rose up during the meditation as we focused on the object of our meditation, which is the felt experience of Divine Love. 

Closing Prayer & Mantra.  We’ll close the gathering with a mantra to carry us into the month. 

What’s my commitment if I join the Circle?
To support each other as a small community, please commit to these things for the 3 months:

  1. Practice the Loving Kindness Meditation each day in your own quiet space for 30 minutes.

  2. Attend each of the 3 gatherings. If something arises making it impossible for you to attend, let us know via email.

  3. Hold each other in Loving Kindness. 

What’s the cost?
We ask for a contribution of $30 for being part of the 3-month Circle. Your contribution will help continue to spread the Loving Kindness meditation practice to others. If, however, the cost is a financial burden for you, simply email Brian and ask for the cost to be reduced or waived. 

What if I have more questions?
Email me at: [email protected] if you have questions. 

How do I sign up?
To sign up for the Loving Kindness Circle click on the link below which will take you to a short registration page.

Final Thoughts
Perhaps your desire to consider the Circle is a God-Nudge, an invitation from the Creator to dive deeper into your Truest Self and the Source of Your Being. This spiritual practice is a powerful tool you can put into your spiritual toolbox as together we seek our deepest desires: inner peace, balance, and wholeness. If you would like to learn more about Loving Kindness Meditation before committing to the circle, Check out the free workshop I held recently. 

Thank you for taking the step to be part of the Loving Kindness Circle. Your Soul will thank you. 

Register Here